UK Clinical Pharmacy Association
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gene sequencing


The UKCPA Genomics community supports pharmacy professionals in this new area of practice to understand new innovations and the implications for patient care.

Genetic tests are increasingly being used to tailor therapies to patients most likely to respond, and the impact of new innovations is now being seen in routine practice. 

Members of the UKCPA Genomics Committee have close links with the NHS Genomic Medicine Service and the HEE Genomics Education Programme. They support pharmacy professionals working in all sectors and specialities by providing education and resources and sharing their expertise.

Key documents

Guideline for 6-mercaptopurine dosing in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia based on TPMT and NUDT15 genotypes
BOPA, March 2023

Please note that this guideline will NOT be updated or reviewed. It is useful as an example to help guide and support local prescribing or dosing decisions. 

Clinical teams may use this guideline as a template to adapt or develop their own local or regional guideline. If it is decided to use this guideline in its entirety, then the guideline must be reviewed and approved at your local and/or regional governance and clinical pathways and committees. 
In either scenario, the clinical team will need to make a local or regional decision if the guideline requires an update and when the next scheduled review is needed. If you have any further questions, please contact the authors.

For authorship details and full disclaimer for use, please see pages 2 and 3 of the document.

Student pharmacists chatting
The Genomics community welcomes students and runs a number of events specially for them.

get involved

We are looking for the following people

Speakers and tutors for learning events, including conference workshops, masterclasses and webinars

We are looking for practitioner members who can comment on national consultations

Members who have a flair for writing to produce articles for Rx Magazine which is owned by UKCPA

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